Staying Motivated

September 19, 2017

As the end of the year slowly approaches I like to encourage a little self evaluation. Since my birthday passed this July I realized how fast time is moving and I thought about my goals for 2017. It was passed half of the year and half of my goals weren't even completed. I lost a lot of motivation and I knew I had to redeem myself quickly. If you're finding yourself in the same slump that I was in and need a little help with motivation,  here's 3 short tips that helped me get back on the ball.

1. Evaluate: Figure out when the focus went left. A lot of times we're caught up in what's going on around us and we lose focus on our goals & forget about the end zone. Sometimes it just takes for you to take a step back and get a bigger picture of what's working and what's not.  2. Refocus: After you've determined where, when and what went left, shift right. Set goals that are actually attainable. There's a saying, if you have a set amount of time dedicated to any learning endeavor you are much better off  spending that time a little bit every day then you are in one botched process. Instead of just having goals for the entire year I had to set weekly goals that helps me get closer to that ONE goal. Figure out whatever works best for you. 3. Hold yourself accountable: One of my favorite quotes is "You are your biggest obstacle". Its never too late to redeem yourself if there is an opportunity for growth and/or success. Make a way and stick to it!

Jenniah Michel

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