Ever since the new year started I've been pretty much all work and no play. I'm working as an intern full time clocking in about 34 hours a week by day & a full time college student taking up to 18 credits by night, plus I work a part-time job on some weekends.
About a couple of months ago I didn't know exactly what I signed myself up for but I knew it wasn't going to come easy. I forced myself to embrace the unknown and take advantage of the opportunities that were in front of me. Sure enough I found myself busy with a heavy workload..
A lot of times we sign ourselves up for things that we weren't necessarily prepared to handle.
We're left with questions like "How am I supposed to keep up?" "What am I going to do?" or "When is this going to be over with?"
I found myself in that exact position, losing hope & worrying more about getting things done versus actually doing them. I lost a lot of faith and gained a lot of hopelessness.
I remember a saying from one of my pastors "A posture of praise will turn your test into a testimony." Through every hardship I face that quote somehow sticks with me. For me, It's impossible to stay happy, motivated & confident in my work when my spiritual life is unbalanced.
I'm reading a book and it said "The same way your body needs food, your soul needs Jesus" and that's exactly what it feels like..
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6
The moment we take things into our own hands and focus on ourselves we outweigh the other side of the scale and carry a heavier workload. The more we focus on our problems the bigger the become. I still have a hard time disciplining myself when it comes to this quote but for anyone in need I want to encourage you to allow God to move in his mysterious ways throughout your life. Tough times don't last, but tough people do.
God won't give you anything he knows you cannot handle, allow him to move through you and show you what your purpose is made of. Feed your soul with his word, make time to talk to him and grow a relationship. Continue to work hard and ask for spiritual balance in all that you do, most of all thank him for how far he has brought you.. after all It wasn't promised.
xo Jenn
Jenniah Michel
Jenniah Michel
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