
October 25, 2017

“The Sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while it's here is up to us. Journey wisely.”
Alexandra Elle 

Photography By: Tim Ramjohn

Jenniah Michel

LUSH Challenge?

September 28, 2017

I recently went on a mini shopping spree and decided to visit the LUSH cosmetics store. I had heard from my mother about how good the store products were, and a couple of co workers told me the same thing. I've been struggling for quite a while with skincare and I spoke with their associates for some recommendations. I picked Up these two products and I'll be doing a challenge to see weather they work for me or not.
Left: 'Scrubee' | Right: 'Parsley Porridge"

'Scrubee' Body Butter Description:
This happy little bee looks innocent enough, but it means business when it comes to buffing your skin smooth. We've combined scrubby ground almonds and coconut shell with softening honey, cocoa and shea butter in alternating exfoliating and moisturizing stripes for the smoothest skin.

'Parsley Porridge' Description:
For a squeaky green clean, hop in the shower and lather up with this herbal soap. It’s packed with dirt-busting ingredients like fresh parsley, finely ground oatmeal, thyme, tea tree oil and aloe gel, making it suitable for your whole body. Its creamy lather gently exfoliates to remove dead skin and keep spotty or disturbed skin cleansed and clear.

I face troubles with acne on my chest and back area + some dryness so apparently these products will get the job done, Lets hope so :)
I'll be doing monthly updates on my skin starting october and hopefully I see results.. Chow for now!

BEFORE: October 1st 2017  

Jenniah Michel

Staying Motivated

September 19, 2017

As the end of the year slowly approaches I like to encourage a little self evaluation. Since my birthday passed this July I realized how fast time is moving and I thought about my goals for 2017. It was passed half of the year and half of my goals weren't even completed. I lost a lot of motivation and I knew I had to redeem myself quickly. If you're finding yourself in the same slump that I was in and need a little help with motivation,  here's 3 short tips that helped me get back on the ball.

1. Evaluate: Figure out when the focus went left. A lot of times we're caught up in what's going on around us and we lose focus on our goals & forget about the end zone. Sometimes it just takes for you to take a step back and get a bigger picture of what's working and what's not.  2. Refocus: After you've determined where, when and what went left, shift right. Set goals that are actually attainable. There's a saying, if you have a set amount of time dedicated to any learning endeavor you are much better off  spending that time a little bit every day then you are in one botched process. Instead of just having goals for the entire year I had to set weekly goals that helps me get closer to that ONE goal. Figure out whatever works best for you. 3. Hold yourself accountable: One of my favorite quotes is "You are your biggest obstacle". Its never too late to redeem yourself if there is an opportunity for growth and/or success. Make a way and stick to it!

Jenniah Michel

First Year College Tips

August 20, 2017

As expected here is a written down first year College tips guide!

From experience my first year of college got real, real quick! I didn't have the average college kid lifestyle. One, because I was in an actual college versus a university. Two, because I had goals to accomplish by all means necessary and I had to hold myself accountable.

These college tips are the all-around basic tips with a couple of essentials ranging from academic success to personal development.

Tip #1: Choosing classes

Worst decision I made was letting people tell me what classes I should register for and how many classes to take. Before you register and start taking classes, ask yourself what can you handle realistically.. Take your situation into consideration (For example: Are you working?How much free time will you have and do you want? Are you a morning person? Etc.)
After, I will suggest you seek advisement at your school and have them help you register and put together a template of your schedule that works best for you. At my school I have what's called an MAP (My Academic Plan)  which enlists all of my classes that I need in order to graduate. Once you have your template for your required classes from your advisor, do yourself a favor and use the RATE MY PROFESSOR website. Pay attention to the comments, tags, ratings, level of difficulty, etc. #DontPlayYourself

Tip #2: Taking The Class

Once you're registered for classes it's Go time!  Don't be scared/discouraged though your first college class won't be like high school where you'll have to get up and introduce yourself.(Well at least not all.. ) Usually once you're registered and processed a week or two prior to starting your classes your teachers will reach out to you via email (Disclaimer: your email becomes your best friend in college so get used to it!) In the email they will attach the course syllabus which includes the course necessities, its competencies, homework assignments, grading scale, extra credit, expectations, contact info etc. Make sure to keep a copy of that bad boy, you'll thank me later. 

Some courses require you to purchase text books, if you so happen to get an advance lucky you, but if you're like me and don't qualify you have to pay out-of-pocket. Say with me now "RENT do not BUY!" Seriously, unless you plan on reading your text book like a regular book every now and then DO NOT BUY it. Here are a list of sites where you can get a bang for your buck on your books for rent. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Rent those books honey:

While taking the class make sure it's beneficial to you and that you're getting the best you can out of it. Engage, ask questions, and make sure you're actively understanding the course's content. Remember the teachers are there to help you so take advantage!

Don't slack, stay on top of everything as much as you can!  The moment you allow yourself to slack is the very moment in college where you will feel like it's becoming impossible to accomplish success, BUT it is possible to overcome & achieve. Please stay on top of your upcoming assignments, USE YOUR TOOLS (phone, calendar, planner, dry erase board, Etc.). Hold yourself accountable, weather you pass or fail that teacher is getting paid. Don't waste your money honey.

Tip#3: Relationships

Realistically speaking I went to college with two of my good friends, but everyone else who I hung out with on a daily basis in high school they were either out of town in school or just stayed on campus away from me. I got a little lonely and it became a bit discouraging… Being a social butterfly that I am I had to make do with whatever was around. Boy did I learn the value of building relationships real quick! Journeying in college with creatives that think like you or even those that are completely opposite is so awesome. You learn and grow so much just by the company that you keep. Word of advice… Don't journey in college alone. There are about a couple 200 or 400 people, maybe even more that are going through the same things that you are.. New, lost, missing their mommies, and tired of adulting. Cry together now so that you can cry together after crossing that stage! It will be worth it, trust me.

Now as far as other relationships… my advice is just to have fun but take it easy. College is one hell of an experience and the hot guys & coke bottle body girls are real Lol! Don't be so quick to fall into traps, play it smart. Always Keep your eyes on the prize(school) and take your time. Also, be safe and don't make decisions you'll regret later. The boys and the booty will always be there… Trust me!

Tip #4: Budgeting

Before college I did have a hard time saving, I guess it was just my lack of self discipline.
I knew that I wanted to quit my job before I starting school so I began saving. When I say being broke in college is normal I mean it with all my heart LOL but it does not have to be that way. If you plan to work while you're still going to school wether part-time or full-time get yourself a savings account and DO NOT touch it! Create a weekly budget and stick to it. Figure out what you spend money on the most and find alternatives! Once again.. #DontPlayYourself

Tip #5: Take breaks + Word of advice

College is overwhelming enough as it is, it's literally like your fighting with yourself 24/7. Believe me when I say it is way easier to look down on yourself versus patting yourself on the back for all your accomplishments. I still struggle with that from time to time because I feel like I'm not doing enough, but my friends are there to encourage and remind me that I'm doing more than enough. Sometimes that's all it takes.. a little word of encouragement but other times you still may feel like the world is coming down on you. I can't stress enough how important it is to decompress and take time out to do the things that make you happy. Go out with friends, have lunch, call your family up, or even meditate to yourself.. whatever works best!

Don't be so hard on yourself, remember that college is a journey not a destination. Graduating high school is a requirement, graduating college is in accomplishment. You can do anything that you put your mind to! The possibilities are literally endless. College is your opportunity for a fresh start, despite your experience in high school you still have a chance in college, in fact multiple! HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE!  Be committed to your success, Start off strong and finish off stronger!

Don't feel like reading all of that? No problem, Here is a video version. 

Jenniah Michel

Travel Photo Diary | NYC (2/2)

August 9, 2017

New York, NY, USA

Charles Chessler called me out of the crowd and asked to take some shots, Made me an Agreeable stranger :)
Visit his Instagram: @Agreeablestrangers
Visit His Website

The High Line

Visiting family at the Hair Salon

Times Square 

Conversing with strangers lol

Crew Love


Klong Resturant 

Brothers of Brass at Union Square

Jenniah Michel