Year 2020

January 2, 2020

Year 2020.

It is with gratitude that I am able to write this post, today I sat in reflection and was reminded of how far along I've come on my personal journey. The growth, the blessings, the lessons, the setbacks, the comebacks, you name it. For me 2019 was the year of realization. I took the time to be more observant of every thing in my life, and process the way it made me feel. With all that I've learned from the years now behind me, I will use it to catapult me into this new year. I vow to put and take care of myself FIRST before I extend. I will love freely and I dare to be courageous with every decision I make.  2020 I am ready for life changing experiences and I welcome and invite growth in all aspects.


Power Words for Myself in 2020:

Consistency. Discernment. Focus. & Confidence.

Top 2019 Memories 

January 2019

Bringing In the new year with my loved ones

February 2019

Spending valentines day with my BF4L

March 2019

Traveling to Chicago for the first time and
volunteering at 826 CHI making a difference through acts of service  

Traveling to Key west with my girlfriends <3 

April 2019

Speaking on the radio for the first time ever!

Successfully completing a music festival production!

May 2019

Celebrating easter with my Job

Paint 'n jam post semester decompress session with my friend

Finally seeing Lion king musical live with my guy best friend 

June 2019

Traveling to California for the first time ever and participating
in an amazing conference at facebook headquarters. 

Visiting the Golden Gate bridge while going on a while adventure with my best friend. 

July 2019

Turning 21 & Jumping out a perfectly good working plane

...with loved ones ofc 

Beginning my first duties at President of SPC BBC FIU 

Spending time with family in Atlanta for my bday 

Seeing my beautiful grandma <3 

Spending time with my Dad's side of the fam in Georgia as well 

August 2019

Still traveling to new places with my favorite person..

Moving into my new dorm, feeling fully at peace.

September 2019 

Bonding with my new roommates 

Traveling back to California for the second time in one year and attending a music festival where i got to see some of my favorite artists ever.. with you know who #BFF

Silent disco volunteering for beach clean up 

First official college party 

October 2019 

Museum visits with my best friend

Feeding a giraffe for the first time  

BBC family reunion 

Late night healing conversations with the roomie

PIA Tour 2019 with my favs 

November 2019 

Sunset Gazing 

December 2019 

Bike riding with my roomate 

Finishing off the semester strong & successfully 

Christmas with my love bugs 

Late night/early morning Poolside convos in the hot tub 

MATCHING PJS (All caps bc Im yelling in excitement)

Christmas spent with family 2019